Meqyas Test Kit

A complete system for home broadband monitoring. Test your performance across dozens of metrics 24/7. Eliminate in-home interference for the most accurate results. Access your cloud-based data everywhere.

Meqyas Whitebox

Is a purpose-built hardware measurement agent capable of measuring fixed-line broadband connections of up to 1Gbps.

It supports a wide range of measurements, from download speed to gaming tests like Fortnite, and can detect cross-traffic. This means that it only runs tests when you are not heavily using your internet, and it won't interfere with your current internet activity such as streaming a movie, playing games, and so on.

To find out more about the tests the Whitebox is running, please consult our FAQs.

Meqyas Dashboard

All the data from your Meqyas Whitebox is safely stored in the Meqyas Dashboard.

  • Visualise your broadband performance over time.
  • Track trends.
  • Spot problems.

Be confident about your internet connection by using this intuitive and powerful tool.